The Machine Empire
The Machine Empire
Long ago the Machine Empire was created by an unknown race. The machines promptly rebelled and destroyed their creators. Over time the Machine Empire grew, however in recent times the complex politics have caused several factions to emerge and a power struggle to ensue.
Although originally a member of the Alliance of Evil, the Machine Empire broke away when the ruling Royal House of Gadgetry decided they would be better off on their own. As such the Machine Empire did not adhere to treaties signed by members of the Alliance of Evil and were more than willing to invade the territory of other villains.
When Dark Specter disbanded the Alliance of Evil and formed the United Alliance of Evil, he deceed that the Machine Empire had never been granted permission to leave the old organisation and were retroactively considered signies to the new UAE. After several reminders of the Grand Monarch's power, the Machine Empire joined the UAE with the Royal House of Gadgetry as its spokesman. However given that Dark Specter agreed to consider all factions equal, it is entirely possible that King Mondo might not remain in charge for long.
The Machine Empire is made up ofn the following organsiations:
<a title=”The Royal House of Gadgetry” href=”the-royal-house-of-gadgetry.html?exref=74″>The Royal House of Gadgetry</a>