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The Elemental Blades

Arsenal – The Elemental Blades

Six blades forged on the planet Danata by a powerful wizard. The blades each represented one of the elemental forces: fire, water, earth, air, heart and lightning. Although forged to resemble swords, the blades could be reshaped to fit the requirements of their chosen user; although they were not sentient the blades were enchanted to only serve those their creator would deem worthy. Over the centuries, many of those abilities were forgotten.

During the invasion of Danata that led to the emergence of Lord Zedd, the blades were feared destroyed. However the lightning blade was reforged into the Sword of Lightning. Lord Zedd later created a duplicate of the Sword of Fire to torment his Zarakin host, but made the mistake of having it forged using the remnants of the old blade. As such Lord Zedd was unable to call on the elemental
powers when using the sword, but once freed of Zedd's control, Larry Zedd could access all of its abilities.

  • The Elemental Blade of Lightning was reforged into the Sword of Lightning and is currently held by Jamie Zedden.
  • The Elemental Blade of Fire was shattered by Lord Zedd, but later became the raw material for the Sword of Fire.
  • The wizard that forged the Elemental Blades created other weapons, some of which might share the properties of the Elemental Swords. Most also have enchantments to ensure that they may only be used by those deemed worthy of their power.

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