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Astro Ranger Pink – Cassie Chan

Pink Turbo Ranger – Cassie Chan
Full Name: Cassie Chan
Other Identity:
Planet of Origin: Earth
Species: Human
Alignment: Good
Group: Power Rangers
Rank: Pink Astro Ranger
Age: Mar 5, 1980
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA
Race: Chinese
Love Interest: Andros
Family: Father – Eric Chan (Entrepreneur), Mother Lindo Chan (Home Maker)
Height: 5 foot 5
Weight: 115 lbs

Cassie was an unplanned child and her parent have made no secrets about it. For most of her life she was either ignored or sent away from home so her parents could get on with their lives. As she grew older her parents’ interaction with her diminished under the pretence of granting her more independence. This has had a deep impact on Cassie and her relationship with her family.
Cassie met TJ on the return trip from staying with relatives, a meeting that caused her to change.

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